Recruitment Process

If you're interested in joining ZTA or just learning more, be sure to fill out our interest form.

We are currently seeking freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors to make a lasting impact on campus. We're looking for driven, empowered women who are ready to develop their potential. Attend one of our upcoming events to learn more about the opportunities that come with being a part of Zeta Tau Alpha!

Our recruitment will be Oct. 10–Oct. 14.


Sunday, Oct. 10–Tuesday, Oct. 12

What's an infoview?

It's an informal meeting in person or via Zoom with a representative from ZTA where you can learn more about the opportunity to become a founding sister of Zeta Tau Alpha at UW-Madison including personal development and leadership opportunities, time commitment and financial obligations. Stop by our tables Sept. 28–Oct. 12 to learn more and sign up.

Experience ZTA Open House

Monday, Oct. 11

Join us for our Experience ZTA Open House to learn more about the opportunity to be a founding sister!

Think Pink. Think Zeta Open House

Tuesday, Oct. 12

Learn more about our philanthropy, breast cancer education and awareness, and how you can help make a difference in Madison and the world.


Wednesday, Oct. 13
by invitation only

We will share a special preference ceremony expressing what ZTA means to us and share what creating a sense of belonging with in this chapter can mean for you. Invitations will be sent via text on the morning of Oct. 13.

Bid Day

Thursday, Oct. 14
by invitation only

Bid Day is the day we celebrate the beginning of our new chapter!